
Building your team is our full time job and no one does it like the VoiceGlance Team. Our people, processes, and technology are designed to source, engage and qualify best fit candidates quicker and more efficiently than traditional methods generating cost savings that we can then pass on to our clients. Ever wonder why you paid 18-30 percent finders fees- well today you do not have to. VoiceGlance provides end to end Recruitment services for a fraction of what traditional recruitment firms charge.

In your Business, Talent is your number one asset

The Hiring Game Has Changed

For us it is ultimately about solving clients’ hiring challenges with smart, flexible, and streamlined hiring solutions centered on the best principles so we can present you the most qualified candidates. Our core competencies of sourcing, screening, evaluating, and presenting for hire are the foundation of each client’s customized solution. Our solutions are tailored to meet each one of our client’s current and future workforce needs. We create innovative programs that are designed to streamline the hiring process and improve overall cost efficiency.

We build a rock solid pool of candidates, save you time and help avoid costly hiring mistakes.

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