
Tag Archives: Science

The Scientifically-Proven Best Way To Hire

Time and time again, we hear the same mantra in business: it is all about getting the right people. No strategy, no piece of technology can overcome bad talent, whereas nothing can hold back the right group of people. That’s a great platitude. But how do you really know who the great people are? Obviously, everyone wants to hire just the best, but if you have a stack of resumes for a position, what’s best way to determine who should get the job? Well, science has provided an answer. In an exhaustive 1998 study by University of Iowa Professor Frank Schmidt and …Read more »

Why Big Data Needs To Stay Out Of Creative

The concept of big data is, like most great ideas, a simple one: get as much information as possible on the market you are trying to reach. Use that information to improve your product and marketing to create the most efficient, most attractive product possible. The main premise is that crowds are smarter than one person. Rather than “trusting your gut” or blindly listening to the highest-ranking person in the room, let the numbers decide. It is the most democratic, most effective method out there. So it should apply to creative, obviously, just like it should apply to any other …Read more »

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