
Tag Archives: McDonald’s

The Problem With McDonald’s “As Tasteless As A McRib” Ad

  Facing their largest drop in sales in at least 10 years, increased competition and protests across the country demanding higher pay for their workers, McDonald’s is in desperate need of some goodwill. Unfortunately, their attempt to build exactly that is going down as well as a Big Mac for a guy with chronic acid reflux. A new McDonald’s ad entitled signs (shown below) is basically a photo gallery of McDonald’s signs after tragedies and marking community events set to perhaps the most tear-inducing music possible. The description of the commercial on the McDonald’s YouTube channel is, “For years, McDonald’s …Read more »

Is McDonald’s Headed For A Crash?

When Ray Kroc joined McDonalds in 1955 and built it into one of America’s biggest brands, it was lauded as the quintessential American success story, full of good, high-quality food and happy children. More than half-a-century later, that goodwill is all but gone. The restaurant chain has been a focus of protestors demanding higher wages (most McDonald’s restaurant workers make less than $10 an hour) and people are comparing feeding children a Big Mac to giving them whiskey and cigarettes. The company itself is still strong, with the stocks nearly doubling in the past five years and profits staying strong. …Read more »

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